Discover the Magic of the Himalaya... Explore it with Local Experts!
Pradip (Kirat) Rai [CEO]
Pradip (Kirat) Rai, Nepalese kingpin of Access-Himalaya, is part of a family with well over a quarter of a century of direct experience in the trekking adventure field, and has been involved himself for more than 15 years. In 1998 he founded Access-Himalaya adventure travel, and it has been a source of pleasure and satisfaction to witness the steady growth of the company since then. Pradip’s early years of education took place in a rural village, south-east of Everest, since when he completed secondary education in Kathmandu. Higher education was based in UK, where he has so far achieved a first degree in Information Technology with Business Management, and a Masters degree in International Development. A strong feeling for ethical business and fair trade underpins Pradip’s insistance that the company employs only Nepalese trekking staff, including leaders, and completes all trade in Nepal, with Nepalese products and services, thus ensuring that all expenditure and profits benefit Nepal and thus contribute towards the development of the country. He and Gill share a keen interest in sustainable development for Nepal, including schemes for renewable energy. Pradip’s practical interests include photography and travel (Europe, India, Tibet and throughout Nepal). Anthropology is a long-held interest, as is world music – particularly Jazz (including Latin Jazz) and Soul, European and Asian classical – and all things technological!